Sabtu, 21 Juli 2012

New Chapter Kuroshitsuji 071 "That Butler Intrigue"

yaa Minna Geenki? aku lagi sakit hiks hiks *sob* *gak nanya*  today aku maw ngepost Black Butler yang New Chapter yeeeeyy.

Disini, Ciel Dan pangeran Soma sudah bertemu dan Ciel memanggil Pangeran soma karena ada alasan yaitu Prince Soma disuruh ngedeketin si Maurice Cole.
Nah kebetulan Soma se Dorm sama si Cole. Pas malamnya kan si Cole sekamar tuh sama si soma gara gara kamarnya rusak ditubruk gajah -_- trus pas Midnight Si Cole bangun dan pergi ke Locker Letter Box *?* kayak box surat gitu deh dan ngirim ini

itu di gambar bawah si Soma ngomong apaan sih? wajah Ciel n sebas jadi Shock gitu -_-

sisanya baca sendiri aja yah di :DD

Jumat, 20 Juli 2012

Takumi Usui 碓氷 拓海


Umur: 17 (18 as of chapter 67)
Kelas: 2-2
Tanggal Lahir: 27 April
Tinggi: 186 cm
Berat: Lupakan
Darah: O
Khusus Skill: Segala sesuatu yang dilakukannya
Hal Favorit: Pengamatan, stalker aku *eh XD
Makanan Favorit: Bubur dan apapun Misaki membuat

Salah satu cowok paling populer di Seika Tinggi, Usui tampak mengambil sedikit minat dalam apa saja dan lebih suka mengamati hal-hal sebagaimana mereka terungkap, meskipun terbukti sangat berbakat di berbagai daerah. Dia mengembangkan minat pada Misaki dan merupakan yang pertama untuk belajar dia bekerja di sebuah kafe maid, tetapi memilih untuk menjaga rahasianya dan segera jatuh cinta padanya. Sementara dia menolak perilakunya hanya sebagai pelecehan, ia terus mengawasi dan melindunginya, serta menawarkan saran wawasan tentang bagaimana menghadapi anak-anak di Seika efektif dan adil. Dia tampaknya menjadi mahasiswa laki-laki hanya pada sekolah yang Misaki bersedia untuk berbicara sebagai orang yang sederajat. Sedikit yang diketahui tentang latar belakang Usui dan ia enggan untuk berbicara tentang hal itu, meskipun ia mengungkapkan keinginan untuk menceritakan Misaki. Dia memiliki kakak dan tinggal sendirian di sebuah apartemen.

Risa Koizumi 小泉リサ

Ohayoouuu Gozaimaaasu ... bersemangat saat puasa :DD

hari ini saya mau ngepost biodata (lagi) tentang cewek di Manga yang mirip aku Pisan =w= bener bener mirip (dari fisik dan karakternya)

Risa Koizumi (小泉リサ, lit. meaning "little spring) adalah karakter wanita pertama dari Lovely Complex manga dan Anime yang ditulis oleh Aya Nakahara.

Nama : Risa Koizumi
Ulang tahun : 3 Agustus
Golongan Darah : O
Tinggi : 172 cm (waww)
berat : 50 Kg (sama)
Keluarga : Ibu, Ayah, Takuto (adik)
Teman : 

西井幸人 Yukito Nishii ini blog pribadinya dia >w< (au ah gak ngerti bhs jepangnya) DX

Minna-san pasti pada udah tau kan Biodatanya pacarku *plak eh maksudnye Yukito =w= kalo gatau liat deh di "ciel phantomhive cast" di Arsip Blog (ketauan males nulis) muehehehe XD bagi yang gak tau kenalkan ini abangku =w= *eh


TV Dramas

ini Yukito? =w=

ini foto dari Blognya dia, kuambil diam diam hihihihi >w< bang pengen dong kacamatanya *ngicep2* *kabur* =w=

"The Most Beatiful Death In the World" Kuroshitsuji Musical 2


GIF Image 
keren nih pacarku *dibom fans yukito* bisa salto XD


Manga Nousatsu Rock Shounen

Manga buatan Kikuchi Kamaro yang bergenre Comedy,Romance,School life, dan Shoujou ini menceritakan alkisah aku (eh)  XD Fujisaki Maki had a peaceful life tapi suatu hari pas dia mau pulang, dia melihat anak cowo dibully sama cewe -__- dan kemudia dia memutuskan untuk membantu Nobitani (nama cowoknya Nobitani karena mirip Nobita di Doraemon XD) yang ditindas. tetapi karena kejadian itu, Maki pun ikut ikutan di Bully. karena Nobitani merasa bersalah, dia pun memberikan tiket konser band yang terkenal "East Robo".

Maki pun pergi dan dapet bangku V.I.P (woaahhh mau mauuu) selama konser, penyanyinya tiba tiba menyanyikan Lagu Ballad dan melirik ke arah Maki.... dan bagaimana selanjutnyaaaaaaa? :P baca sendiri yah Statusnya Completed kok cuman aku kurang puas dan pengen next chapter :33


tatapan matanya itu looh yang bikin aku nosebleed XDD (maklum fangirl) kyaaaaaaa

New Chapter of Fairy Tail (291 Naval Battle And 292 All Feelings Unite)

ne ne Fairy Tail udah memasuki hari ke 4 The grand magic games. tinggal pertandingan di dalam Air, airnya ngebulet di tengah tengah podium :3 dan dikasih rule yaitu "5 minute rule". singkat cerita dari Team FT A ialah Lucy dan di team FT B ialah Juvia.
Juvia udah mengalahkan 3 orang sekaligus tapi dia malah Drop  -_-" tinggal lucy sama Minerva dari sabertooth. disitu Lucy kalah dan kuncinya diambil sama minerva, Lucy tetap bertahan sambil babak belur disana sini dan akhirnya Kompetisi berakhir dan sabertooth lah yang menang (eewwww kamseupay sabertooth) XD. kejadian ini sampai membuat Erza marah DX oh hell no.

kemudian pas di ruang emergency, semua anggota FT berkumpul dan Master Makarov pun datang. Ada berita bahwa FT harus di combine karena Raven Tail didisqualifikasi dan jumlah team menjadi tidak seimbang. dan akhirnya mereka mengirimkan 5 orang terbaik di FT

dan di akhir page  "The Great Demon gathering,Also known by another name...."

Senin, 16 Juli 2012

Ciel Phantomhive Cast

Heyya!! Everybody

hari ini Saya mau ngepost Ciel Phantomhive Actor di Kuroshitsuji Musical I Dan II. Di Kuroshitsuji Musical I, Minna Pasti tau siapa yang jadi Ciel Phantomhive.... yups dia adalah Shougo Sakamoto yang menjadi Ciel Phantomhive 1 di Kuroshitsuji Musical I "That Butler, Friendship" 

ok Nama Shōgo Sakamoto (阪本 奨悟 Sakamoto Shōgo 
Lahir Pada 13 Juni 1993 di Hyogo Prefecture, Dia adalah Aktor jepang dan Entertainer.
Kadang Suka dipanggil Si Gingsul yang manis sama Onii chan saya XD hahaha aku dan dia sama sama gingsul dan sama sama manis *plak

ini Videonya Kuroshitsuji Musical "That Butler, Friendship" But No subb T.T gomen nee

Sekarang Lemme Introdunce, This is My Favourite guyy >/////////<

kyayayayaaa *fangirl*  kebiasaan nih kalo liat kawaii guy suka kyayaya gajelas -_-

cowok ini namanya Yukito Nishii  (西井幸人)            
Lahir Pada Tanggal 14 Juni 1995 (lah kok hampir sama sareung Shougo nyak?)
bbrrbb Lewat Kang!

Pertama Kali aku liat Yuki di Kuroshitsuji Musical II "The Most Beautiful Death In The World" dam kemudian Aku Google it Nemu info dia maen di Hana Kimi, beralih deh aku jadi Nonton Hana Kimi, sumpeh aku nyari nyari dia tapi GAADA!! dan akhirnya jeng jeng jeng aku salah kaset -_- pantes aku nyari dia muter muter kaset sampe tengah malam ternyata..... -_-

Here's The Video Kuroshitsuji Musical II "the Most Beautiful Death In the World"

Part 1 (tenang sudah di Subb kok :p)

(Cantik banget Dah si Yukito >//////////<)

Shougo VS Yukito

Minggu, 08 Juli 2012

Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler) Quotes


Poetry Over Philosophy embroidery rather than cooking, Dance instead of Chess
Be An Unknowing Angel
Every girl born in the country of Roses is raised by these words. - Elizabeth Middlefort

"Low-heeled shoes, mother's teachings, a sword to protect you. Those are the "nice things" my current self is made of." - Elizabeth Middlefort

"I'm merely one hell of a butler". - Sebastian Michaelis

"Woof" - Ciel Phantomhive

"i will follow you forever, until your crown becomes rust" - Sebastian Michaelis

"Their desperate hope was ridiculously crushed like a worm... super-ficial... cruel... revolting... isn't it even more demonic than a demon?!" - Ciel, Kuroshitsuji 36 v08 page 24

Sumber : Mangafox Forum

That’s not wrong… you fought to protect your world. Isn’t that good enough? No one really thinks of others, you will lose everything if you can’t keep up. After all, justice in this world is just a bunch of principles made by those with power to suit themselves. Only two kinds of people exist in this world: those who steal…and those who are stolen from. So then, today I just stole your future.That's all. --Ciel Phantomhive

If it's your wish, I will follow you everywhere 
even if your throne crumbles, and your shiny crown truns to rust
even if the bodies pile up endlessly, above the bottomless pile corpses
Beside you as you lie softly down, I will be
until i hear the words "check Mate" ! --Sebastian Michaelis

To turn day into night, pleasure into pain, and waltz into requiem – That is the Trancy butler. --Claude Faustus

It was not my to employ this sort of tactic, but i have no choice. Even if the empty shells of pawns pile up beneath the throne, once the king is gone, the game is over. I will follow you, no matter where you go. --Sebastian Michaelis

Even if the throne crumbles and the brilliant crown rusts, even the empty shells of pawn pile up and we rest upon their decaying bodies, i will lie beside your smalls formand until the last bell tolls, until that time ... --Sebastian Michaelis

Lies to reality , an dog into an Earl , Thats the Trancy Butler. --Claude Faustus

I'm arrogant, but not so much that I'd irresponsibly save someone just to brag about it. - Ciel Phantomhive

"Children have a great greed for games" Ciel

"It is quite unpleasant to be stepped upon. Doing the stepping, however, feels quite good." 
-Sebastian Michaelis.

"Something once lost will never return..." - Ciel

"Everyone... will just fade into darkness..." - Alois

"So this is your technique? Dark to light, sugar to salt, dark blue to gold?... Then I'll turn that gold... to black." - Sebastian.

"I will forsake my revenge and live on!" - Ciel

"Then show me those eyes... Not the eyes of those villagers who looked as if they'd seen a pile of vomit. Not the old man's greedy, inflammed eyes... That day, those eyes... Those eyes that longed only for me, Claude." - Alois.

"Forsake the future, sacrifice your dreams, while stained with deep despair, elude the past, fight the reality, and never relinquish your nobility. Just like that, Young Master. That is the soul I wish to consume." - Sebastian.

"If you are crying, fight against it! If you are regretful, walk forward! Only complaining of your misfortune, you're nothing but a common pig!" - Ciel.

"What are you lazily standing around for? You obtained me my revenge. This is an order! Come and eat my soul already! Until the very moment when you eat my soul, you are my butler, Sebastian Michaelis!" - Ciel.

“You give up your future, lose your dreams, are stained with despair . . . Yet at the same time you shake off your past, fight reality, and never lose your nobility. That’s it, young master. That’s the soul I want to eat . . .” - Sebastian Michaelis

"Yes..I'm a demon. There is no way I can could understand my prey , a human sense of taste ..What I understand is..only the taste of human's soul .." Sebastian Michaelis 

"Listen when people are talking with you!!" Ciel Phantomhive

For a king to survive it's good for him to be able to skillfully manipulate the other pieces using both the knight and the queen. Beneath the throne the bodies of your pieces will pile up along with your sins. You must not lose."
-Sebastian Michaelis

"Until I say ..'all right' please close your eyes..."
-Sebastian Michaelis

"I do not need a thousand souls, I only need one, which is my master's."
-Sebastian Michaelis

"If there is but even a little thread to use for escape to the depths of despair, I will simply hold on to it. That is the ability of humans. But it is their choice, whether to grab it or not."
-Ciel Phantomhive

"To smile happily, I've... forgotten."
-Ciel Phantomhive

"You shall never betray me. You shall never leave my side. No matter what!"
-Ciel Phantomhive

" You're Another Person so Of course you look different. what do you need to be ashamed for?" - Ciel Phantomhive

"I came to love my red hair that was just like my father's. I came to love red. I came to love you."
-Angelina Durless

"I've been thinking. I'm a human being. But I've had white stuff falling from my ears lately."
-Drocell Keinz

"Glad you're safe."

"Therefore, I reason for a superior present to be given to a very dear person, the most suitable thing would be your very self."
-Drocell Keinz

" Ah, how dreadful a tainted heart is. Corrupted, stagnant, dark."

"The unclean. The defiled. The dirty thing. Be destroyed. Be purified. This pain is blessed by the god! Blood is the offering to atone the sin!"

"No matter how much compassion they were given, humans cannot be saved."
-Ash Landers

"Even though I told him to hold each and every soul dear. Because you hold great power, you gradually fail to understand the importance of things that cannot be recovered. You will realize once it's too late. How many times have I given you and the others the same warning?"

"Special people can only be touched by other special people."
-Baron Kelvin

"If I give it away, it'll be sad."

"I wanted Ciel to smile... but how? Since that day he seemed to stop smiling... I want to bring that back... I want Ciel to smile..."
-Elizabeth Middleford

"Why? Why is my body moving all by itself? Why... why is my body... hurting the one I love?! Stop! Stop! Stop!"
-Elizabeth Middleford

"Ciel finally returned, but he wasn’t able to laugh anymore. I love Ciel. I love Ciel's smile. Why is it as though we always seem to end up going in circles? How can I bring back Ciel's smile?"
-Elizabeth Middleford

fuiiihh sebenarnya masih banyak cuman males Copy-pastenya -______- 

here i give you the Link :)